Safety and Health Management System

Safety and Health Management Policy

Coway strives to create a safe and healthy working environment based on the safety and health management system. Through risk assessments, we continue to find and improve potential risk factors in high-risk workplaces like factories and R&D centers to minimize relevant risks. And we also strive to establish an efficient safety and health management system and continuously improve safety and health performance by obtaining certification for the safety and health management system (ISO 45001:2018). The safety and health management policy specifies our will and direction for safety and health and are announced to all employees and posted at each of the workplaces after reporting to the board of directors every year, if necessary, in accordance with changes in safety-related regulations. Coway prioritizes the safety of workers and stakeholders in all business and process throughout the company, and strives to improve the safety and health of all employees.

Promotional Strategies for Safety and Health

Dedicated Organization for Safety and Health

Coway‘s dedicated organization for safety and health is directly under the CEO and strives to work as a control tower for safety and health, and to unify the establishment and implementation of strategies for safety and health. In particular, we aim for the same goal of maintaining zero serious accidents. And the organization dedicated to safety and health strives to minimize risks related to safety and health reasonably and preemptively by promptly deliberating and making decisions on on-site opinions and difficulties through the Occupational Safety and Health Committee.

Organization Chart of Safety and Health Management

Operation of Occupational Safety and Health Committee

Category Details Category Details
Composition of the committee

Same number of the members: From employers, from employees

Change of members: When changing, proper notifications should be made to both sides within 7 days.

Main agendas

Items in accordance with Article 24, Clause 2 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act

- Establishment of plans to prevent industrial accidents - Preparation and modification of safety and health management regulations - Safety and health training and medical checkups for employees - Recording and keeping statistics of industrial accidents - Investigation of serious accidents and establishment of measures to prevent recurrence
Duties of the committee members

Chairperson: He or she conducts a general management of the Committee and decides when to hold regular and temporary meetings.

Members: They are expected to deliberate and resolve agendas submitted to the Committee.

Assistant Administrators: They take meeting minutes, take up agendas and inspect the implementation of resolutions.


Regular meeting: It is held once in every quarter.

Special meeting: It is held when needed (when requested by the chairperson, or by the labor and the management).

Safety and Health Management System Certification

Based on the safety and health management system (ISO 45001), Coway operates and manages an integrated safety and health management system for domestic factories in Yugu, Incheon and Pocheon. In addition, we expanded the certification system even to the Environmental Technology Research Institute (R&D Center) in 2023 to eliminate and minimize serious accidents and risks related with occupational disasters. Through this, we are continuously carrying out activities to encourage workers to voluntarily join and convert their awareness of safety and health for a safety and health culture to take root in the company.

ISO 45001 Operation Strategy

Safety and Health Activities

Activities to Prevent Serious Accidents

Emergency Response Training

In order to ensure prompt on-site dissemination and response in the event of an emergency, Coway has in place an emergency contact network with each self-defense fire service at each of the HQs. In addition, we established an emergency response scenario to clearly define the roles of our members in emergency situations. Based on this, we conduct training in preparation for emergencies such as fire and explosion at least once per year.

Tool Box Meeting

Coway conducts periodic inspections to prevent occupational accidents arising from handling hazardous machines and equipment, including facilities subject to protective measures set by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, machines subject to safety certification, machines subject to voluntary safety confirmation reporting, and machines subject to safety inspections. On-site supervisors inspect each of the process lines handling hazardous machines and equipment every day before starting work. When detecting an abnormality after the inspection, we make sure that an immediate stop is made and follow-up measures are taken so as to ensure safety.

List of Machines Subject to Safety Inspection

Target machines Number of target machines in retention Target machines Number of target machines in retention
Pressure vessel 95 Lifts 5
Conveyors 69 Industrial robots 18

Voluntary Safety Inspection Consulting

Coway frequently conducts voluntary safety inspection consulting based on the Serious Accident Punishment Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, and laws related to safety and health for production business sites (factories in Yugu, Incheon, and Pocheon) and R&D Center (Environmental Technology Research Institute). By doing so, we have come up with effective operation plans and improvement plans to make it mandatory to secure safety and health at our business sites. In particular, we worked hard to create a safe and pleasant working environment by identifying potential harmful and risk factors and suggesting measures that consider features and circumstances of business sites through the diagnosis of sites in relation to general mechanical safety, electrical safety, chemical safety and working environment by means of various diagnostic devices.

Safety and Health Risk Management

Inspection of Safety and Health Legal Implementation

Coway has a separate organization that supervises the overall process of complying with legal obligations set by laws related with safety and health of each business site in accordance with the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and conducts an inspection of the fulfillment of legal obligations as to safety and health at least once in 6 months. We strive to make sure that there are no blind spots in our business sites by inspecting safety and health systems, including regulations and procedures of safety and health, legal training, and risk assessments, checking abnormalities of machines, electricity and sites related with chemical safety, and identifying risk factors exposed when working.

Implementation Inspection Areas

Inspection items Details
Safety and health system Regulations and Procedures of Safety and Health, Legal Training, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Risk Assessment, Contractor Management, Occupational Safety and Health Committee, etc.
On-site inspections General Safety, Machinery Safety, Electrical Safety, Chemical Safety, Fire Safety, etc.

Safety and Health Risk Assessment

Coway conducts regular risk assessments annually for all processes to eliminate direct and indirect risk factors arising from overall operations, including production, service, research, support activities and others in accordance with risk assessment guidelines. In addition, in the event that new harmful and risk factors may occur due to changes in the installation of structures at business sites, introduction or change of machines and equipment, or raw materials, or the occurrence of industrial accidents, we conduct assessments as necessary. Coway identifies harmful and risk factors inside our business sites through risk assessments and evaluates the likelihood and severity of facing injuries or diseases due to such factors. We establish and implement measures to reduce risks in descending order and help our employees be aware of risk factors by providing relevant training. We continue to monitor and manage the implementation to help build safe and health business sites.

Risk Assessment Process

Regular assessments Annual reexamination of the appropriateness of risk-assessment results
Occasional assessment When introducing new equipment or materials or when experiencing an accident

Establishing measures to reduce risk factors and implementing relevant improvements

Conducting training for employees

Recording and keeping conducted contents and results

Process of Taking Actions for Safety and Health Accidents

Coway runs a safety and health accident process for prompt reporting on and accurate investigation of an accident. We investigate the cause of the accident in the presence of safety and health managers and supervisors from the relevant department to prevent recurrence of the accident. And the department from which the accident occurs needs to identify the cause of the accident and come up with a plan to prevent recurrence. Serious disasters and accidents are immediately reported to the management to make a quick response upon facing them and are disseminated to employees through in-house bulletin boards to prevent recurrence.

Process of Taking Actions for Accidents

Strengthening Safety and Health

Industrial Safety and Health Training

Coway conducts safety and health training on a regular basis to improve the level of safety awareness of the members. We are conducting regular training for employees, regular training for managers and supervisors to strengthen their awareness of safety and health and capabilities in managing safety for on-site members; training for newly-hired people, and job-related training for people related to handling safety and health matters to improve their capabilities and expertise. In addition, we provide training for those involved in special work when then first start working to give them information on safety and health in advance and prevent accidents.

Safety Training Status

Category Training targets Training cycle Training hours Number of people subject to training
Regular training for workers All employees Once a quarter Office workers: 3 hours, Non-office workers: 6 hours 408 persons/year
Regular training for managers and supervisors Managers and supervisors Annually 16 hours 727 persons/year
Training for newly hired emplyees Newcomers As necessary 8 hours 323 persons/year
Job training Persons in charge of safety and health management Once in 2 years 6 hours 2 safety and health managers
Safety and health managers Once in 2 years New: 34 hours, Supplement: 24 hours 4 safety and health managers
Training when first starting woking Special type workers As necessary 2 hours Number of persons involved

Health of Employees

Employee Health Improvement Programs

Coway is working hard to improve physical and mental health of the employees. We operate an in-house healthcare center and others in order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and protect and promote the health of our employees. Coway is making efforts to promote health by installing healthcare zones equipped with self-blood pressure checkers to manage blood pressure and stretching tools to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in 16 of the general branches nationwide. In addition, we operate a psychological counseling center to help employees manage their personal stress and emotions they experience while carrying out their duties. We also have established and distributed manuals for those involved in emotional labor to respond to their emotions. Coway conducts mandatory national health checkups every year and special medical checkups for those employees exposed to high risks. In 2023, we encouraged all employees to have national health checkups through in-house bulletin boards and e-mail notices, recording 100% in completing the checkups (excluding, the retired and those on leave).

Major Performance and Goals of Safety and Health

Major Performance of Safety and Health in 2023

Category Description Category Description
Minimizing serious disaster Risks

Evaluating the compliance with safety and health laws

Voluntary safety inspection consulting

Revising accident reporting process

Expanding the safety and health management system

Expanding ISO 45001 certification (R&D center)

Revising processes and guidelines

Strengthening the capabilities of examiners (qualifications)

Strengthening actions to improve on-site risk factors

Establishing safety guard boxes

Conducting occasional risk assessments

Conducting customized on-site safety training

Strengthening safety and health actions for contractors

Establishing standards for safety and health evaluation

Counting up safety and health management costs

Establishing standards for event-safety management


Introducing an Automated System and Installing Mats to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders

Coway is working hard to promote health by circulating processes, providing health care, installing massagers, and introducing production technologies. In this way, we are striving to prevent musculoskeletal disorders caused by 4 major risk factors (improper posture, excessive force, repetitive motions, and other physical burdens) arising from handling heavy objects in production sites, and simple and repetitive work at production sites. In 2022, we introduced electric carts used to transport heavy objects at production lines as part of a pilot project, and have been conducting test operation of collaborative robots to automate the conveyor supply of heavy objects since 2023. In addition, we are now conducting test operation of an automated system used to put in raw materials and replace simple repetitive work and are planning to complete the production technology by 2025 to gradually expand and apply the system. Moreover, we are contributing to preventing musculoskeletal disorders by installing fatigue-relieving mats in the standing work sections at production lines for workers to alleviate their physical burdens.

Major Indicators and Goals of Safety and Health

Category Management goals 2023
Detailed plan by year
2024 2025 2026
serious disaster
0 0 case

Conducting intensive inspections through the selection of audit themes

The inspection of emergency response systems of business partners

Preemptive responses through the enhancement of trends, and the monitoring of issues

Strengthening on-site implementation of the safety and health management system

Enhancing the safety and health management system and manuals

Raising the level of safety and health management for each organization

Improving risk factors at production sites 90 and over 98.3%

Activating on-site communication channels (immediate reporting of risk factors)

Strengthening the discovery of risk factors through strengthened on-site patrols

Strengthening the frequent identification of risk factors and risk assessment

Intensive prevention of 3 major accidents (falls, collision, and getting stuck)

Establishing an on-site safety culture through participation and cooperation

Employees‘ completion of regular training 100 100%

Intensive monitoring of training targets and strengthening training promotion

Conducting visit-based customized on-site safety training (galleries, branches and others)

Diversifying on-site safety training curriculum

Strengthening capabilities of working-level people through specialized training

Raising the awareness of safety and health among employees

Regular safety evaluation of business partners 100 100%

Conducting preliminary safety evaluations when registering and signing contracts with new companies

Revising standards for safety evaluations considering company features

Strengthening independent safety and health management

Conducting voluntary safety and health activities

Completion of national health checkups 100 100%

Maximizing the efficiency of booking medical checkups by using an app

Establishing procedures in managing harmful factors of each job and strengthening the monitoring

Expanding job-specific health management programs

Strengthening the management of preventing occupational diseases

Establishing job-specific health management systems

In-house Business Partners’ Safety and Health

Management of In-house Business Partners' Safety Risks

Operation of A Council for In-house Business Partners’ Safety and Health

In order to ensure safety and health measures when carrying out contracted projects, Coway holds regular Safety and Health Council meetings with in-house business partners at least once a month. Though this, we are working hard to exchange various information on safety and health, listen to VOC, and create a safe and pleasant working environment. In addition, we conduct safety and health inspections of our partners‘work processes with their owners and workers so as to continuously improve risk factors and prevent industrial accidents.

Status of the Operation of the In-house Business Partners‘ Safety and Health Council

Category 2020 2021 2022 2023
VOC received (cases) 0 0 7 *28
VOC improvement rate 0 0 100% 89%

* A total of 28 cases of VOC were received through the Council in 2023. Out of them, 25 (89%) were improved and the remaining 3 are planned to be gradually improved.

In-house Business Partner Risk-Factor Management

In order to ensure safety and health measures when carrying out contracted projects, Coway conducts regular risk assessments of its in-house business partners at least once a year. Through this, we strive to identify and improve potential risk factors at business sites and create a safe and pleasant working environment.

Category 2020 2021 2022 2023
Risk factors identified (cases) 8 8 34 *173
Improvement rate 100% 100% 100% 92%

* A total of 173 cases of risk factors were received through the risk assessment in 2023. Out of them, 163 (94%) were improved and the remaining 10 are planned to be gradually improved.

In-house Business Partner Safety Capability Evaluation

When carrying out contracted projects, Coway reviews issues related with safety and health from the very beginning, and when implementing projects, we operate a system in which we continue to develop the safety and health management for the prevention of accidents suppliers might face by implementing and evaluating the safety and health management and giving relevant feedback. When registering new and existing business partners, Coway conducts their safety and health management capability evaluations, and links the results to evaluation indicators. Among new companies, those that have scores lower than the minimum level after the evaluations are restricted in terms of registration. As for those existing companies under contract, we conduct regular evaluations at least once in 6 months. In the event that they are examined to be inappropriate, and we provide additional improvement guidelines for them to make and manage improvements.

In-house Business Partners‘ Safety Capability Evaluation Process

Business partners

Submission of a plan for
safety and health management


Regular assessment

Inadequacy (providing guidelines)

Business partners

Continuous improvement

Coway/business partners

Maintaining contracts

Status of In-house Business Partners‘ Safety Evaluations

Category 2020 2021 2022 2023
Regular assessment (times) 0 0 0 *61
Completion rate 0 0 0 100%

* Since 2023, regular assessments have been conducted for in-house business partners at least once in 6 months (twice a year).