Employee Development

Ideal Candidates

Top-notch talents as in Coway‘s talent vision refer to those people who never stop learning and constantly take on challenges. Based on its core values, Coway provides useful convenience to customers and works hard to discover and train talents in order to grow into a trusted company. We continuously share core values with our members, and our leaders are constantly taking the initiative in creating Coway‘s own working culture.

Coway's Talent Vision and Core Values

Employee Capacity Building

Recognizing the importance of securing talented professionals who will lead continuous innovation, and of strengthening their capabilities in the new business era, Coway supports each and every one of our employees to grow into subject-matter experts.

Employee Development System

Employee Training Programs

Coway provides a variety of training programs to improve leadership capabilities, job-related expertise and global capabilities. We provide more than 3,000 different types of educational contents through our integrated learning platform. And each of the employees can apply to open externally consigned job-related courses so as to improve their job-related competencies. In particular, we carried out regular programs related to global business and AI knowledge in 2023 and 2024, all of which were well received by many employees.

  • 01Leadership Training

    This program is conducted to foster leaders that fit Coway’s talent vision of ‘Top-notch Talent.’ It is provided for newly-appointed positions (executives, team leaders) and next-generation leader candidates, and those who have been promoted. And topics are selected to help improve the insights of leaders. In addition, we provide opportunities for our employees to acquire knowledge and tips from invited external speakers. In 2023, a total of 4 training sessions were provided on topics of leadership and global management.
  • 02Job and Onboarding Training

    This is a job and language program aimed at nurturing talented people for Coway to advance into a global market. This program is conducted in a voluntary way for all employees. Regarding our job training, we foster in-house employees who have job-related expertise as instructors to share their knowledge and expertise with others. For the language training, we provide a number of foreign language programs to improve global work capabilities.
  • 03Top-notch Talent Course

    Coway‘s Top-notch Talent Course is a selective training program to secure our pool of prepared team leaders. And those chosen employees take a total of 8 sessions of training on topics of overall management, understanding of Coway’s direction, leadership development and others from professors of Seoul National University and our in-house instructors. The first class of graduates was produced in 2023, and the second class of participants was selected for 2024.

Performance Management of the Members

Performance-Evaluation System

Based on Coway‘s talent vision, we operate a performance-evaluation system to nurture and support top-notch talents (people who do not hesitate to learn, and constantly take on challenges for their growth). Coway turns it into a system to provide reasonable and transparent performance compensation based on the following standards.

  • 01Performance-based Evaluation

    In order to strengthen our performance-based evaluation, employees in junior positions (reps/staff) who had previously been evaluated based only on competencies were also evaluated based on their achievements, allowing all employees across the company to focus on achieving goals and improving performance.
  • 02Enhanced Competency Assessment

    We operate absolute competency evaluations for us to objectively evaluate the capabilities of each employee and support cooperation among employees. Through absolute assessment, we have enabled evaluation focused on individual capabilities, rather than relative ranking.
  • 03Regular Performance Management

    Through our regular performance-management system, evaluators and those evaluated frequently communicate and provide feedback on goals and work process status to support the growth of each of the members.

Performance-Evaluation Process

Coway operates a performance-evaluation process based on equity and rationality for the purpose of nurturing talented people. To ensure that members and the company pursue the same core values, individual goals of each of the members are set in connection with the team‘s Key Performance Indicators (KPI). And the progress is checked and feedback from heads is provided throughout the year. In the final evaluation stage, the Evaluation Committee takes a close look at individual performance to give an evaluation grade.

Individual/team Performance Evaluation Process


Goal setting
beginning of the Year
  • Setting individual goals
  • Finalizing and reviewing goals


Interim inspections
during the year (as needed)
  • Midterm inspections and feedback


Final evaluation and result reporting
  • Conducting self- and team head evaluations
  • Operating the evaluation committee
  • Confirming and coaching on evaluations

*Employee Performance Evaluation System

Category Details Frequency of implementation Proportion of employees who received evaluations (%)
Goal management We record feedback during the work-performance process in the evaluation system by setting job-related goals and frequently revising and complementing them. Frequently 100
360-degree feedback Colleagues and leaders conduct a 360-degree evaluation of the core values that all members must follow and their job-performing styles. Annually 99.2
Team-based evaluation This is an appraisal in which the performance of each employee is systematically graded within the team. Twice a year 100

* The scope of employees subject to the evaluation excludes those who are on leave or have worked for less than the performance-evaluation period.

* On-site employees (production, sales, service technology employees) were excluded. Separate evaluations are conducted upon them by performance each month.

Organizational Culture and Welfare

Mutually Respecting Culture

Coway introduces a respectful culture where everyone is addressed by their honorific titles to create a healthy organizational culture through horizontal communication and mutual respect. Everyone ranging from new employees to the CEO uses honorific titles and words equally. Through horizontal communication and mutual respect, we pursue a culture where everyone actively exchanges various opinions and works rationally.

Systems for Work and Life Balance

Family-friendly System

Coway operates diverse systems in an effort to support work and family balance of the members and create a family-friendly corporate culture. Coway plans to continue to actively operate and support various family-friendly programs, keeping in mind that the happiness of our employees is the driving force behind corporate growth.

Category Description Category Description
On-time/staggered commute system Operating a PC-OFF policy to encourage on-time/staggered commuting Reduced work hours for family care If a family member needs care, reduced work is possible for up to three years (1 year + extended 2 years).
Reduced work hours during pregnancy Implementing 2hour reduced work hours for employees in early and late pregnancy Kids’ elementary-school enrollment leave Providing leave for 5 days for employees to help their children adjust to elementary school
Family care leave/leave of absence If a family member needs care, an employee can take time off (up to 10 days per year) or a leave of absence (up to 90 days per year) to provide care. Leave systems for various congratulations and condolences Providing leave for those employees having a family event for the purpose of congratulations/condolences
Medical leave Paid half-day leave for health checkups Spouse maternity leave Leave for 10 days granted when a spouse gives birth (possible to use the leave separately one time)
Fertility treatment leave/leave of absence Supporting leave (up to 3 days per year) and leave of absence (up to 1 month per year) for employees who need infertility treatment

Operating ‘Puruni Daycare Center,’ Netmarble Coway In-house childcare facility

Coway supports employees with kids in balancing work and family by operating an in-house childcare facility of ‘Puruni Daycare Center.’ ‘Puruni Daycare Center’ boasts a large scale and nature-friendly space. And all spaces are designed with the safety of children as the top priority. At the daycare center, 28 qualified staffers, including early childhood education experts, nurses, nutritionists, cooks and others, take care of children; and two native-speaking instructors teach English to the kids there. In addition, it operates in a broad time zone from 08:30 to 22:00, thus increasing convenience for employees.

Selected as a “Family-friendly Company” for 5 consecutive times

Coway has been selected as an excellent family-friendly company by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for 5 consecutive times. The Family-friendly Certification is a system in which the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family grants certificates to companies and organizations that exemplarily operate family-friendly systems for childbirth and child-rearing for three years after a thorough review for harmonious work and family life. Thanks to the continuous operation and development of various family-friendly welfare systems since 2012 when Coway first obtained the certification, we will remain certified until 2026. Coway will continue to work hard to create a flexible and healthy corporate culture where talented people who will lead continual innovation can fully demonstrate their capabilities based on work and life balance.

Welfare System

Coway supports a variety of welfare systems to ensure that our employees can work in a healthy and stable environment. Some of the representative examples include a long-term leave support system, housing loan interest support, and children‘s school-expenses support system. And Coway will continue to actively communicate with employees to carry out a wide range of welfare policies for all members and their families.


  • Welfare point
  • Support for long-term vacations
  • Support for condominium lodging

Working condition/working environment

  • Support for housing loan interest
  • Support for children‘s school expenses
  • Support for employees‘ education expenses

Medical treatment/family event

  • Support for employee medical checkups
  • Vacations/expenditure for congratulations and condolences
  • Funeral manpower/goods service
  • Baby registry welcome gift
  • Birthday/wedding anniversary gifts
  • National holiday/founding anniversary gifts

Sound Labor & Management Communication

Coway has multiple labor unions established for each job category and occupation, and they are working together to improve their working conditions and environments according to the characteristics of each job category. Through regular labor-management council meetings with employee representatives that represent all employees, we communicate important decisions and changes related to the corporate management. We transparently disclose all major changes in the company and strive to create a win-win labor and management relationship by collecting grievances and opinions of employees. In 2023, we held quarterly labor-management council meetings to discuss a total of 103 items, including improving the working environment in each business division, enhancing welfare benefits and systems, and handling grievances.

Diversity and Inclusion

Respecting Diversity

Coway specifies diversity and non-discrimination items in its code of ethics, ethical practice guidelines, and human rights policy, and pursues an organizational culture in which no employees are discriminated against or disadvantaged by reason of differences such as gender, nationality, disability, or religion. We respect various backgrounds of each of the individuals as they are and the ways they think. And we also encourage them to show their competencies based on equal opportunities. Coway signed an agreement to promote the employment of the disabled with the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities in 2022 to help those with disabilities become part of our society. And we are striving to create jobs for the disabled and improve awareness of the disabled. The number of employees with disabilities is steadily increasing, rising from 68 (1.3%) in 2020 to 122 (2.0%) in 2023. And we hired new members of the Coway Mulbit Sori Choir in 2023. In addition, we provided training for all of our employees in Korea to improve their awareness of people with disabilities within the workplace in 2023. And 100% of the employees completed the training. Coway also carries out a personnel system that does not discriminate on the basis of gender, and strives to create a gender-diverse culture within the company by electing female managers to ensure a balanced gender ratio. We have a high proportion of female managerial positions, including sales branch managers, comprising 63.7% of the total number of managers (as of 2023). The proportion of female leaders at the level of TF head or higher was 28.2% (as of 2023). And we plan to achieve the goal of 35% by 2030.


Participating in the TGE Program of the UN Global Compact

As a member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), Coway is actively participating in a number of activities implemented by the relevant initiatives to improve diversity and female representation within the company. In 2023, we participated in the UNGC TGE (Target Gender Equality) program to share our diversity policy and status and benchmark other companies‘ systems, contributing to eliminating discrimination against specific gender and to promoting equity within the company.