Stakeholder Engagement and Material Topics

Coway defines stakeholders as entities both inside and outside the organization that influence its activities, categorizing them into seven groups: customers, shareholders and investors, employees, partners, communities, academia and media, and government. Coway operates specific communication channels tailored to each group to gather stakeholder feedback. By fostering stakeholder engagement and communication on critical issues, we enhance transparency, improve management efficiency, and cultivate trusted relationships. Each department manages communication channels dedicated to specific stakeholder groups.

Stakeholders Chanel Frequency Main communication topics
Customer Corporate website Frequently

Responsibilities related to product safety and quality

Product and service experience

Receipt and resolution of customer complaints

Media and press releases Frequently
VOC/Customer Center Frequently
Shareholders and investors Ordinary general shareholders' meeting Once a year

Building corporate value

Enhancing shareholder value

Sound corporate governance

Management of business opportunity and risk

IR meeting Frequently
Investor/analyst conference call Frequently
IR webzine Monthly
Employees Labor and Management Council 4 times a year or more

Fair evaluation of performance and reward

Capability development

Work-and-life balance

Corporate culture based on diversity

In-house on-line consultation channel Frequently
Partner companies Partner round table meeting Once a year or more

Win-win cooperation with the business partners

Helping business partners develop their sustainability

Integrated procurement system Frequently
Local communities Local Community Council 4 times a year

Social contribution and participation in local community activities

Creation of jobs in the local areas

Sustainable local development

NGO meeting Frequently
Social contribution business and project Frequently
Academia and media Publication of Sustainability Report Once a year

Transparent disclosure of information

ESG data and performance communication

Voluntary disclosure of the Sustainability Report Once a year
Participation in global ESG evaluation 5 times a year or more
Participation in sustainability initiatives 6 times a year or more
Government and stock market Corporate Governance Report Once a year

Distribution of economic value including payment of taxes

Compliance with laws and ethical management

Regular disclosure such as the Annual Report 4 times a year or more
Disclosure to the Financial Supervisory Service and Fair Trade Commission Frequently
Compliance with laws and regulations Frequently
Public-private cooperation project Frequently