Introduction to Coway

Business Model

Founded in 1989, Coway is a life-solution company that cares for customers' overall living environment. Through a differentiated business model that combines product rental and professional services, Coway provides green home appliance rental services without the burden of having to purchase the products. In addition, we have established a structure that maintains the value of our products for a long time through our regular care services from professional partners. With these efforts, Coway has accumulated more than 10 million customer accounts both domestically and internationally, sustaining growth by generating stable cash flow.

Sustainable Competitiveness

Coway expands the value of its core competency, 'Care,' by offering products and services in the environmental home appliance sectors: 'Water Care,' 'Air Care,' 'Living Care,' and the BEREX sector 'Sleep & Healing Care.’ We are making our best efforts to ensure that all customers enjoy a safe living environment in terms of water, air, and sleep. This year, with the goal of ‘New Coway Growing Through Innovation,’ we are focusing on increasing our global competitiveness by accelerating our technological competitiveness and customer-centered services to grow beyond Korea and into the global market. In addition, we are strengthening the competitiveness of our products and services by using 'IoCare (Internet of Care)', a personalized solution integrating IT technology, and steadily expanding our customer base through continuous development of rental product lines and global market expansion. With these differentiated innovations, Coway continues to strive towards creating sustainable value and delivering it to stakeholders.

Global Story of Coway

Company Overview

Company name
Coway Co., Ltd.
Location of headquarters
136-23 Yugumagoksa-ro, Yugu-eup, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do
Seoul office
G-Tower, 38 Digital-ro 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
Jang-Won Seo
Major businesses
Manufacturing, services, rental and lease
Founded in
May 1989

Business Value Chain

Based on customer trust and product innovation, Coway strives to provide life solutions through our products and brands so that customers can enjoy a safe and healthy life anytime, anywhere. To achieve this goal, we consider the entire process from raw material procurement to product production (applying eco-friendly technologies), sales, disposal (energy recovery), and resource circulation (recycling and reuse) through the lens of sustainable management. We integrate economic, social, and environmental values to create healthy environmental and social outcomes.

Major ESG Achievements in 2023

Economic Performance

Total Assets

Based on abundant liquidity, Coway is achieving stable business performance.
(in KRW 100 million)


Coway has grown every year in the Korean and overseas rental markets based on its competitiveness as a leading rental service company.
(in KRW 100 million)

Number of Accounts

The power that sustains Coway comes from the trust and choice of customers. Coway takes pride in having the largest number of rental accounts in Korea.
(As of December 2023)

10.21 million accounts

Social Performance

Biodiversity: Number of Proliferated Plants

Coway strives to increase biodiversity in Korea and create an environment where future generations can coexist with nature.

number of trees:

(928 trees were added in 2023)

Customer Satisfaction Score

As the No. 1 company in customer satisfaction, Coway puts customers first and continues to innovate services based on 30 years of know-how in providing customer service.


Hours of Training for Human Resources Development

The capabilities of employees are intangible assets that increase in value over time. We invest in cultivating the knowledge and capabilities of our employees.

126,270 hours

Environmental Performance

Investment in Environmental Protection

Coway strengthens its eco-friendly investments in facilities and systems to reduce environmental impact throughout our business operations while striving to comply with environmental laws and regulations.
(in KRW 1 million)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Coway transparently discloses information on its GHG emissions and is implementing renewable energy facilities and energy conservation campaigns to achieve its 2050 Net-zero goal.
(in tCO2e)

(Scope 1+2)

Waste Recycling Rate

Coway achieved its goal of 100% waste recycling in 2023, originally slated for 2030. Our ongoing efforts to enhance resource efficiency and achieve zero waste will persist into the future.


Coway’s Value System