온실가스 배출량

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
GHG Emissions * Scope 1 (Direct emissions) tCO₂eq 601 877 831 1,070
Scope 2 (Indirect emissions) tCO₂eq 5,134 5,822 5,995 6,780
Scope 1+2 Total emissions tCO₂eq 5,735 6,699 6,827 7,850
Yugu Factory tCO₂eq 2,555 2,803 2,484 1,956
Incheon Factory tCO₂eq 639 797 886 871
Pocheon Factory tCO₂eq 220 235 255 262
Environmental Technology Research Institute (R&D center) tCO₂eq 1,660 1,835 1,730 1,765
Seoul Office (G-Tower) tCO₂eq 396 694 761 874
Technical Services ** tCO₂eq - - - 730
Logistics Center tCO₂eq 265 335 711 1,385
Solar Power Plant (001) tCO₂eq - - 1 4
Solar Power Plant (002) tCO₂eq - - - 3
Scope 3
(Other indirect emissions) ***
Total emissions tCO₂eq 72 67 59 17,717
Purchased goods and services **** tCO₂eq - - - 5,062
Capital goods tCO₂eq - - - 0
Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1, 2 tCO₂eq - - - 115
Upstream transportation and distribution tCO₂eq - - - 3,550
Waste generated in operations tCO₂eq - - - 2,026
Business trips of employees tCO₂eq - - - 37
Commuting of employees tCO₂eq 72 67 59 64
Upstream leased assets tCO₂eq - - - 5,755
Downstream leased assets ***** tCO₂eq - - - 190
Investment ****** tCO₂eq - - - 919
Scope 1+2 Intensity in KRW ******* tCO₂eq/KRW 100 million 0.221 0.238 0.243 0.285
Amount of refrigerant purchase in product manufacturing kg 38,530 45,420 36,100 34,190
Amount of eco-friendly refrigerant purchase in product manufacturing kg 3,331 1,300 3,310 6,250

* Greenhouse gas reduction performance through conversion of renewable-energy usage performance (REC conversion) is not reflected

* ±1 Difference may occur as the emissions by category are totaled after being rounded up in integer units

** The first measurement in 2023 after the transition into the national service manager organization with full-time employees: The sum of 204 tons of leased vehicles (S1) + 526 tons of leased buildings (S2)

*** Scope 3 showcases categories corresponding to Coway (a significant increase in total greenhouse gas emissions as its calculation began in 2023)

**** Total of Scope 1+Scope 2 in 9 major Coway business partners

***** Affiliated company (Coway EnTech) leasing Coway-owned building

****** Affiliated company (BEREX Tech) that Coway has a stake in

******* Calculated based on individual sales revenue

에너지 사용량

Energy Consumption
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Consumption *
Total Consumption GJ 116,070 137,272 140,485 160,136
Direct energy Total Consumption GJ 9,551 14,813 14,418 17,795
LPG ** GJ 0 0 0 0
Gasoline GJ 2,109 1,892 1,833 3,542
Diesel GJ 1,712 1,865 772 3,162
LNG GJ 184 4,165 5,051 5,113
Kerosene GJ 148 144 118 39
Propane GJ 5,398 6,748 6,644 5,939
Indirect energy Total Consumption GJ 106,519 122,459 126,067 142,341
Electricity GJ 105,702 121,653 125,282 141,674
Others (on-site PV power self-generation facilities)
Renewable energy(direct) consumption ***
GJ 817 806 785 667
Total Consumption MWh 227 224 446 2,178
Transition of owned REC renewable energy usage (electricity consumption) **** MWh - - 228 1,993
Other (on-site PV power self-generation facilities) renewable energy(direct) consumption *** MWh 227 224 218 185
Energy Consumption Intensity in KRW ***** GJ / KRW 100 million 4.5 4.9 5.0 5.8

* Energy-reduction performances through transition of renewable energy usage (REC transition) is not reflected

* ±1 Difference may occur as the consumption by category is totaled after being rounded up in integer units

* Some errors in 2020 and 2022 data are corrected

** No consumption after 2018

*** Small-scale electricity generated and directly used by 4 business sites (Yugu Plant, Yugu Logistics Center office building, Incheon Plant, and Pocheon Plant)

**** REC acquired with PV power generation in PV power-generation plant 001/002 were transformed into renewable energy usage in the RE100 system of Korea Energy Agency

***** Calculated based on individual sales revenue

수자원 관리 *

Water Resources Management *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Amount of
water withdrawal
Total water withdrawal ton 81,528 91,606 86,457 105,477
Water withdrawal by source Supplied water ton 64,751 66,953 67,021 82,745
Underground water ton 16,777 24,653 19,436 22,732
Water withdrawal by Site Seoul Office (G-Tower) ton - 7,373 11,586 10,978
Yugu Factory ton 30,420 34,045 32,261 38,060
Incheon Factory ton 4,827 5,870 8,214 8,546
Pocheon Factory ton 3,221 1,925 1,710 1,340
Environmental Technology Research Institute (R&D center) ton 32,748 34,755 25,180 37,802
Logistics Center (Yugu) ton 10,312 7,638 7,506 8,751
Water use intensity in KRW *** ton/ KRW 100 million 3.14 3.25 3.07 3.82

* Coway discharges all used water (supplied and underground water) as domestic water

** Water withdrawal measurement of Seoul Office began in March 2021

*** Calculated based on individual sales revenue

원자재 사용량

Raw Material Consumption
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Non-renewable raw material consumption * Total Consumption ton 16,100 14,488 14,906 16,034
Plastic ton 9,982 8,974 9,209 9,885
Metal ton 4,159 3,622 3,752 4,006
Packaging ton 1,959 1,892 1,945 2,143

* Based on all products

폐기물 및 재활용 *

Waste and Recycling *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Generation and Disposal of Waste Total amount generated/disposed ton 23,451 23,751 25,214 25,676
General waste Total amount generated/disposed ton 23,451 23,751 25,180 25,643
Recycled/Reused ton 16,266 15,713 17,547 17,923
Incinerated (with energy recovery) ton 6,953 7,812 7,612 7,720
Incinerated (without energy recovery) ton 231 226 21 0
Buried ** ton 0 0 0 0
Others ton 0 0 0 0
Designated waste Total amount generated/disposed ton 0 0 34 33
Recycled/Reused ton 0 0 34 33
Incinerated (with energy recovery) ton 0 0 0 0
Incinerated (without energy recovery) ton 0 0 0 0
Buried ton 0 0 0 0
Others ton 0 0 0 0
Waste intensity in KRW *** ton/ KRW 100 million 0.9 0.84 0.9 0.86
Waste disposal reduction ratio (KRW) % 1.06 -1.28 -6.16 -1.83
Amount of recycled waste **** ton 23,220 23,525 25,193 25,676
Waste-recycling rate % 99 99.1 99.9 100

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria.

** Coway does not bury waste

*** Calculated based on individual sales revenue

**** Total amount recycled among products, services, business site waste

친환경 투자

Eco-friendly Investments
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Eco-friendly certification (Eco-Label certification) * cases 17 27 43 30
Sales of eco-friendly products KRW 100 million 8,002 8,969 9,104 11,053
Ratio of eco-friendly products to total sales % 30.3 31.9 32.4 36.9
type 1 ** % 7 6 4.82 5
type 2 *** % 17.6 21.3 24.72 30
type 3 **** % 5.9 4.1 2.9 1.9
Green purchases KRW 1 million - 656 604 553
Green purchase ratio % - 3.5 3.5 5.4
Environmental investment cost Total KRW 1 million 1,193 1,056 2,585 3,476
Facility operation KRW 1 million 377 444 626 1,214
System operation KRW 1 million 408 325 400 251
Communication KRW 1 million 328 176 311 945
New environmental business KRW 1 million 80 111 1,248 1,066

* Followed product standard for which Eco-Label certification is valid in the year (accumulated)

** ISO14024

*** ISO14021

**** ISO14025

환경 법규

Environmental Regulations
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of violations cases 0 0 0 0
Year-end environmental liability costs KRW 0 0 0 0
Fines for violations KRW 0 0 0 0

임직원 현황 *

Employee Status *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees Persons 6,571 6,587 6,442 6,272
By gender Male Persons 3,337 3,538 3,505 3,490
Female Persons 3,234 3,049 2,937 2,782
Percentage of female employees % 49.2 46.3 45.6 44.4
By age Under 30 Persons 423 427 336 279
Over 30 – Under 50 Persons 4,717 4,715 4,532 4,350
Over 50 Persons 1,431 1,445 1,574 1,643
By employment type Full-time employees Persons 6,366 6,423 6,276 6,077
Percentage of full-time employees % 96.9 97.5 97.4 96.9
Temporary employees Persons 205 164 166 195
Percentage of temporary employees % 3.1 2.5 2.6 3.1
Percentage of female employees
in STEM ** related positions
% 16.7 18.4 19.1 20.4
Female management employee status *** Female management employees Persons 1,700 1,493 1,443 1,336
Junior level Persons 1,631 1,424 1,369 1,269
Middle level Persons 64 63 67 62
Top level Persons 5 6 7 5
Percentage of female management employees among management employees % 70.5 65.9 65.7 63.7
Junior level % 74.2 70 70.4 68.3
Middle level % 36.2 34.2 34 33.9
Top level % 14.7 12 12.7 9.1
Percentage of female leaders(executives) % 32.7 29.5 29.4 28.2
Minority employees **** Employees with disabilities Persons 68 80 100 122
Employment rate for persons with disabilities % 1.3 1.2 1.6 2.0
Foreigners Persons 6 10 10 8
United States Persons 2 3 3 2
Iran Persons 0 0 1 1
Japan Persons 1 1 1 1
China Persons 1 3 3 2
Canada Persons 0 1 0 0
Australia Persons 1 1 1 1
New Zealand Persons 1 1 1 1
Overseas employment Total number of employees Persons 3,694 4,443 5,059 4,844
Dispatched abroad Persons 0 0 2 8
Expatriates Persons 33 36 35 36
Locally hired Persons 3,661 4,407 5,022 4,800

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria.

* All data related to employees include the number of employees residing overseas (corporate heads, expatriates, etc.) and unregistered executives, excluding registered executives

** Refers to employees who use knowledge related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for their work, in accordance with internal standards defined by the HR team

*** The level of management is classified into the levels defined by the HR team based on the responsibility of each position, the size of the managing organization, etc.

*** ‘Female leaders(executives)’ refer to middle and top management employees

**** The number and percentage of employees with disabilities follows the standards of the Korean Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities

임직원 채용 *

Employee Recruitment Status *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
New recruitment Total number of employees Persons 1,951** 667 427 329
By position Executives Persons 9 1 2 0
By gender Male Persons 1,678 381 271 146
Female Persons 273 286 156 183
Percentage of newly recruited female employees % 14 42.9 36.5 55.6
By age Under 30 Persons 184 243 141 79
Over 30 – Under 50 Persons 1,629 410 261 222
Over 50 Persons 138 14 25 28
By nationality Korean Persons 1,950 662 425 329
Foreigners Persons 1 5 2 0
Internal recruitment Total number of open positions *** Persons 3,467 2,340 1,775 1,987
Number of open positions filled by internal candidates Persons 1,516 1,673 1,348 1,658
Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates % 43.7 71.5 75.9 83.4

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria.

** In 2020, service managers (1,498) were converted to full-time employees

*** Including internal transfers for human resource development

임직원 이직 및 퇴직 *

Employee Turnover and Retirement *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Numbers of Employee Turnover and Retirement Total number of employees Persons 367 713 455 546
Total percentage ** % 5.6 10.8 7.1 8.7
By gender Male Persons 149 216 229 199
Female Persons 218 497 226 347
By age Under 30 Persons 59 128 83 54
Over 30 – Under 50 Persons 250 313 287 259
Over 50 Persons 58 272 85 233
Numbers of Voluntary Employee Turnover
and Retirement ***
Number of employees Persons 340 467 413 292
Percentage ** % 5.2 7.1 6.4 4.7
By gender Male Persons 138 194 214 160
Female Persons 202 273 199 132
By age Under 30 Persons 58 128 80 34
Over 30 – Under 50 Persons 236 293 281 226
Over 50 Persons 46 46 52 32

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria.

** Turnover rate and voluntary turnover rate are indicated in percentages among the number of entire employees.

*** Number of resigned and retired employees excluding those who resigned under early retirement, by voluntary resignation, by mandatory dismissal, by mandatory retirement and by disciplinary dismissal.

육아휴직 *

Parental Leave *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees who used parental leave ** Total number of employees Persons 87 110 149 134
Male Persons 15 42 87 64
Female Persons 72 68 62 70
Employees who returned to work after taking parental leave *** Total number of employees Persons 104 115 142 131
Male Persons 18 30 74 72
Female Persons 86 85 68 59
Employees who returned to work after taking parental leave and stayed for 12 months **** Total number of employees Persons 79 93 119 -
Male Persons 15 24 60 -
Female Persons 64 69 59 -
Percentage of employees who returned after taking parental leave ***** Total return rate % 97.2 98.3 100 98.5
Male % 100 96.8 100 100
Female % 96.6 98.8 100 96.7
Percentage of employees who returned after taking parental leave and worked over 12 months ****** Total retention rate % 76 80.9 83.8 -
Male % 83.3 80 81.1 -
Female % 74.4 81.2 86.8 -

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria.

** Number of employees who used parental leave categorized by year based on the starting date of parental leave

*** Number of employees who were employed at the time of data aggregation or who have retired after serving for at least one day after the end of parental leave among employees who have completed parental leave, categorized by year based on the end date of parental leave

**** Number of employees who were employed at the time of data aggregation or who have retired after serving for at least 365 days after the end of parental leave among employees who have completed parental leave, categorized by year based on the end date of parental leave
(However, year 2023 is excluded as accurate data aggregation becomes possible only after December 31, 2024)

*****Number of employees who returned after the end of parental leave / employees who have completed parental leave for that year

****** Number of employees who worked for more than 365 days since the end of parental leave / employees who returned after parental leave for that year
(However, year 2023 is excluded as accurate data aggregation becomes possible only after December 31, 2024)

성과평가 *

Performance Evaluation *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of performance evaluations conducted by type Management by objectives Times 2 2 2 2
360-degree feedback Times 2 2 2 2
Team-based performance evaluation Times 2 2 2 2
Percentage of employees who received regular performance evaluation and feedback Male % 100 100 100 100
Female % 100 100 100 100

On-site employees (production, sales, and service technology employees) were excluded. Separate evaluations are conducted upon them by performance each month.

Employees not subject to evaluation (employees who took leave or worked less than a period) are excluded

인재개발 *

Employee Training *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of trainees Persons - - 6,123 6,156
Total training hours ** Hours - - 120,391 126,270
Total training costs KRW 1 million - - 810 908
Training hours per person Hours - - 20 21
Training cost per person KRW - - 132,288 147,498

* Numbers were calculated based on full-time employees who completed training in the relevant year, excluding employees not subject to training (employees who took a leave or hold additional position at Netmarble, etc.)

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria (the new criteria were applied since 2022)

** Total of e-learning, legally required training, outsourced training, and job training hours


Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Welfare benefit * KRW 1 million 58,048,446 67,585,341 69,831,793 74,799,417

* According to the audit report


Labor Union Membership
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Labor union membership rate % - 19.8 34.3 34.3

임직원 고충 처리 현황 *

Employee Grievance Process Status *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of grievances filed Cases 46 33 30 72
Human Rights Violation Cases 5 8 6 14
General grievances Cases 41 25 24 58
Number of grievances processed Cases 46 33 30 72
Human Rights Violations Cases 5 8 6 14
General grievances Cases 41 25 24 58
Rate of cases processed % 100 100 100 100
Human Rights Violation % 100 100 100 100
General grievances % 100 100 100 100

* The number of grievances increased in 2023 as the channel for filing complaints was diversified to facilitate access to each job group

* Grievances are classified and managed as human rights violations (bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.) or general grievances (working environment, welfare, personnel system, safety and health, etc.) by their contents and issues

산업안전보건 *

Occupational Safety and Health *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Industrial accidents Employees ** Cases 15 47 79 60
Contractors *** Cases - - 2 1
Lost time injuries frequency rate (LTIFR) Employees persons/million hours 1.14 3.54 6.21 4.82
Contractors Persons/million hours - - 2.61 1.40
Industrial accident rate Employees % 0.23 0.71 1.23 0.96
Contractors % - - 0.52 0.28
Fatalities Employees Persons 0 0 0 0
Contractors Persons 0 0 0 0
Number of contractors safety and health capability evaluations conducted Times 0 0 0 2
Number of risk factors found by risk evaluation on contractors *** Cases - - 34 35
Percentage of risk factors improved with risk evaluation of contractors *** % - - 100 93
Percentage of grievances handled with contractors safety grievance-handling channel *** % - - 100 89
Rate of employees under occupational safety, and health management system (ISO 45001) % 60 60 60 80

* Based on domestic business sites under the Occupational Safety and Health Act

* May differ from actual data as an average

** Based on employees. As partners (Cody, Codoc, Home Care Doctors) were excluded, the data were modified by applying the new criteria.

*** Data of 2020 and 2021 are not indicated as the data have been managed on the same basis since 2022.


Social Contribution
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees who participated in social contribution activities Persons - - 250 314
Expense spent in social contribution activities Total cost * KRW 100 million 21.5 11.4 12.6 17.1
Social contribution cash(donation) % - 35 10 10
Social contribution spot goods % - 34 22 15
Expenses spent in nature of social contribution % - 31 68 75
Donations Political donations ** KRW 1,000 0 0 0 0
Donations to association KRW 1,000 - - 7,000 37,610

* Increase in expenses occurred due to the launch and expansion (additional recruitment) of the Wheelchair Basketball Team and Choir of Blind Singers in 2022, 2023.

** Coway does not make political contributions pursuant to Article 31 (Limitation of Contributions) of the Political Funds Act

공급망 관리 *

Supply-Chain Management *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Partner companies Total number of partner companies Companies 191 234 223 226
1st partner companies Companies 122 144 133 133
1st core partner companies Companies 69 71 71 72
2nd partner companies Companies 87 90 90 93
Partner companies purchase ** Percentage of 1st core partner companies purchase % 84 81 80 78
Supply chain ESG evaluation 1st core partner companies that performed ESG risk evaluation companies - - 10 9
1st core partner companies classified as high risk companies - - 0 0
Percentage of 1st core partner companies that performed ESG risk evaluation % - - 14 13

* As the index was redefined based on raw material and mold supply partner companies, some of the previous data was modified

** 1st core partner company purchase ratio and domestic partner company purchase ratio based on domestic businesses were the same

유통망 품질관리 및 감사 *

Distribution Network Quality Control and Auditing *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of distribution networks that had regular external audits based on ISO9000 series or other commonly accepted quality management systems % - - 94 94

* As the index was redefined based on raw material and mold supply partner companies, some of the previous data was modified


Customer Satisfaction
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Customer satisfaction survey result * points 93.1 95.6 95.6 92.7
Customer complaint resolution rate % 100 97.3 99.9 100
Customer complaint in product/service/sales Cases - 105 24 63

* As the index was redefined, some of the previous data were modified to apply the new criteria.

제품 리콜

Product recall
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total cases of product recall Cases 0 0 0 0
Recalled product line lines 0 0 0 0
Expense occurred by recall KRW 0 0 0 0


Information Protection
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Information leaks Cases 0 0 0 0
Violations against information protection and cyber security Cases 0 0 0 0
Fines paid for violating information protection and cyber security related regulations KRW 1 million 0 0 0 0
Violations related to customer information Cases 0 0 0 0
Customers affected by data breaches persons 0 0 0 0
Employees participated in information protection training persons 4,729 6,172 6,046 6,211

이사회 구성

Board of Directors
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Members of board of directors Total no. of members Persons 7 7 8 7
Executive Directors Persons 3 3 3 3
Independent Directors Persons 4 4 5 4
Female Persons 0 0 1 1

이사회 운영

Operation of BOD Meetings
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of BOD Meetings Held Times 8 7 6 6
Agendas (voted/reported) Number of actions 36 34 33 24
Attendance rate % 100 97.9 100 100
Attendance rate of executive directors % 100 100 100 100
Attendance rate of independent directors % 100 96.3 100 100
Average term of office on the board of directors Months 10 22 30 37
Board re-election rate * % - - - 71.4

* No re-election agenda for 2020, 2021, and 2022


Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of committee meetings held Times 2 Not held 1 2
Attendance rate of independent director % 100 Not held 100 100


Audit Committee
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of committee meetings held Times 7 4 4 4
Attendance rate of independent director % 100 100 100 100

이사회 보수 *

Remuneration of the Board of Directors *
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
CEO‘s remuneration KRW 1,000 776,947 659,143 808,096 1,004,725
Average employee remuneration ** KRW 1,000 52,427 55,353 59,950 63,256
Rate of CEO remuneration compared to average employee remuneration Times 14.8 11.9 13.5 15.9
Total remuneration of registered directors KRW 1,000 1,783,196 2,442,311 2,853,001 3,550,125
Average remuneration per registered director KRW 1,000 594,399 814,104 951,000 1,183,375
Total remuneration of independent directors KRW 1,000 50,810 42,000 73,613 42,000
Average remuneration per independent director KRW 1,000 50,810 42,000 36,806 42,000
Total remuneration of members of the audit committee KRW 1,000 122,017 126,000 126,000 136,161
Average remuneration per audit committee member KRW 1,000 40,672 42,000 42,000 45,387
Rate of non-audit service remuneration compared to audit service remuneration paid to external auditors % 3.9 6.6 0 5.9

* Same as the standard value disclosed in the annual report

** Error in data of 2022 was revised


Ethical Management
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees who completed ethics training * Persons - 6,389 6,336 6,156
Completion rate of ethics training * % - 100 99.9 100
Code of conduct violation status (internal standards) ** Total violations cases - 22 19 20
Total violations dealt with (severe or above penalty) cases - 22 19 20
Rate of cases processed % - 100 100 100
Corruption Percentage of business sites that conducted corruption test(Regular tests) % - 40 60 20
Cases where a contract with a business partner has been terminated or not renewed due to corruption cases - 0 0 0

* Employees not subject to training (on leave, holding multiple positions, etc.) were excluded

* Includes training for sexual harassment, workplace harassment, improvement of awareness of the disabled, and ethical management

** Data was re-collected based on violation and internal penalties not on the reception of violation

법 · 규제에 대한 컴플라이언스

Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Anti-monopoly/anti-competition violation Total legal actions taken cases 0 0 0 0
Total fines or settlements paid KRW 1 million 0 0 0 0
Corruption or bribery Total legal actions taken cases 0 0 0 0
Total fine or settlement paid KRW 1 million 0 0 0 0

요약 연결재무제표

Summarized Consolidated Financial Statement
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Liquid asset KRW 100 million 8,969 11,065 13,745 15,916
Non-current assets KRW 100 million 21,322 26,942 29,906 32,593
Total assets KRW 100 million 30,290 38,006 43,651 48,510
Current liabilities KRW 100 million 14,173 12,932 11,302 15,090
Non-current liabilities KRW 100 million 1,217 6,030 9,229 7,042
Total liabilities KRW 100 million 15,390 18,962 20,531 22,132
Total capital KRW 100 million 14,900 19,044 23,120 26,378

연결 포괄손익계산서

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue KRW 100 million 32,374 36,643 38,561 39,665
Cost of goods sold (COGS) KRW 100 million 10,439 12,753 13,696 13,950
Gross profit KRW 100 million 21,935 23,889 24,865 25,715
SG&A expenses KRW 100 million 15,871 17,487 18,091 18,402
Operating income KRW 100 million 6,064 6,402 6,774 7,313
Financial income KRW 100 million 12 10 43 58
Financial expense KRW 100 million 212 179 331 560
Profit and loss of related company investments KRW 100 million 0 47 64 41
Income before corporate tax expenses KRW 100 million 5,404 6,586 6,833 6,606
Corporate tax expenses KRW 100 million 1,357 1,931 2,255 1,896
Net income KRW 100 million 4,047 4,655 4,578 4,710

R&D 투자(연결)

R&D Investment (Consolidated)
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
R&D expenses * KRW 1 million 41,937 48,337 53,547 53,128
Percentage to revenue % 1.3 1.32 1.39 1.34

* The number is a sum of ordinary development expenses of the selling and administrative expenses stated in the consolidated statement of income and the research and development expense stated in the manufacturing cost statement, and also includes personnel expenses of the R&D personnel


Tax Report (Consolidated)
Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Income before corporate tax expenses KRW 1,000 540,379,082 658,552,414 683,308,004 660,563,060
Corporate tax burden (total) KRW 1,000 138,242,247 175,927,650 188,676,924 166,177,740
Corporate tax expenses (total) KRW 1,000 135,668,222 193,066,319 225,512,387 189,551,955
Effective tax rate % 25.1 29.3 33.0 28.7