Social Contribution System

Coway has been actively carrying out social contribution activities to spread a good influence in society. Now, we would like to go beyond that aim and contribute to the community by meeting the needs of a new era and solving social issues that we all face.

Social Contribution Management System

Regarding Coway‘s social contribution activities, the Council where team leaders and working-level staffers participate and the Committee where the top decision-maker participates work together to take decisions on major issues related to social contribution activities.

Social Contribution Policy

Coway established a social contribution policy in March, 2024 to realize the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This is a declaration Coway made to become a company that seeks benefits for customers and community stakeholders based on specific policies and, furthermore, take care of the lives of all people.

Promotional Strategies for Social Contributions

Keeping in mind the social contribution mission of ‘Good Wave for people & Environment’, Coway places society and environment as a top priority when carrying out all social contribution activities. We are developing and implementing programs for the growth of local communities based on our experiences and know-how as a best life solution company. In addition, we consider the seriousness of social issues arising from our social contribution target areas, their relevance to our business and others before selecting our social contribution activities.

Social Contribution Strategy

Medium-and Long-term Road Map for Social Contribution

Category ~2024 (Implementation) ~2030 (Strengthening) ~2050 (Expanding)

Establishing strategy and system

Enhancing social contribution program

Maximizing the creating of social value


Community-centered social contribution

Establishing representative programs

Expanding social contribution themes

Signing social contribution partnership

Pursuing shared growth and shared-value

Expanding local community network


Domestic business site

Domestic business site

Overseas business site (part)

Domestic business site

Overseas business site (all)

Social Contribution Goals

Coway seeks to bolster cooperation and connections by establishing plans to address environmental and local community issues based on our social- contribution policies. We plan to enhance relevant policies and programs by connecting our core businesses, which include our social contribution philosophy, direction and purpose, with sustainable development goals (SDGs) and local community issues. In addition, we plan to set up a regular consultation channel with local communities and measure and analyze the impact of our social-contribution activities on our target people.

Social Contribution Activities and Outcomes

Coway is implementing core social-contribution activities with clean water, clean air environment, and promises to people in mind so as to increase life quality by providing a healthy living environment. Coway shares the value of cleanliness by supporting safe and clean water and air for socially underprivileged people home and abroad as a long-term project rather than a one-time giveaway to increase the sustainability of our social contribution activities and continuously build up trust with local communities.

Representative Programs

Regarding major social contribution activities, Coway is carrying out a project of sharing the water of life to improve the water-quality environment in areas where groundwater is polluted, a project of sharing clean air to improve the indoor environment of public facilities in urban areas where air is polluted, and a project of seeding unique species for the purpose of environment education for children and the preservation of biodiversity.

Sharing Water

Coway is promoting a water-purification campaign with employees and ordinary citizens to increase caution regarding water pollution and remind people of the importance of water.


EM Soil Ball Throwing

Coway carried out an activity of throwing EM (Effective Microorganisms) soil balls to help purify water and expand carbon dioxide sinks. EM soil balls are fermented for about three weeks after kneading fermented liquor of beneficial microorganisms and red clay. And they slowly resolve and have the effect of purifying water quality and removing bad odors when put into rivers or streams. When the ecosystem of rivers and streams is recovered, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere could be absorbed and reduced as well. Coway employees made 7,000 EM soil balls and threw them into rivers. By carrying out the campaign of throwing EM soil balls, we plan to continuously spread the value of nature and clean water.

Sharing Air

In order to help underprivileged people that have difficulties improving their living conditions due to the increase in air pollution and fine dust, we signed an ‘Agreement on a Project of Preventing Environmental Diseases for Underprivileged People’ with the Ministry of Environment in 2018 and have been providing air purifiers since then. We provided 493 air purifiers to schools and other facilities used by teenagers up to 2023. And we also plan to continue to take the lead in sharing air purifiers.


Clean School Forest Classroom

Through the project of Clean School Forest Classroom, Coway provides differentiate environmental education for students to directly experience and learn about native plants in their classrooms. Students are to complete an environmental education course comprising 7 sessions produced through the joint research done by elementary and middle school teachers. For about 480 minutes, students would learn about overall biodiversity including endangered species. A total of 965 students learned about plant ecosystems for 463,200 minutes.

Contributions to the Local Community

Coway shares what we have by referring to advanced cases for integrated improvement of local communities. In particular, Coway signed an agreement to promote the employment of disabled persons with the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities in 2022 to help those with disabilities become part of our society. And we are striving to come up with and implement plans to create more jobs for the disabled. We continue to support language education for visually-impaired children and sports, culture and art areas for the disabled, contributing to creating sustainable jobs and promoting employment for the disabled.


Blue Wheels Wheelchair Basketball Team and Mulbitsori Choir

Coway operates a wheelchair basketball team and a choir formed with visually impaired people to promote sports and culture and arts for the disabled. Coway‘s Blue Wheelchair Basketball Team continues to provide wheelchair basketball activities for students in the region to experience as part of a campaign to improve awareness of youth disability. And Coway’s Mulbitsori Choir also carries out continuous activities related to culture and arts through talent donation performances for the underprivileged and local communities. In 2023, we hired 10 new members of Mulbitsory Choir to continuously carry out our activities to promote employment of the disabled.