Appliance Manufacturing Sector Sustainability Indicators
Topic Code Metric Page
Product Safety CG-AM-250a.1 (1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total units recalled

ESG Data – Social – Product Recall

CG-AM-250a.2 Discussion of process to identify and manage safety risks associated with the use of its products

Product Quality and Safety – Quality Management Acitivities – Quality Management Programs

Product Quality and Safety – Quality Management Acitivities – Quality Failure Prevention Program

CG-AM-250a.3 Total amount of monetary losses because of legal proceedings associated with product safety

ESG Data – Social – Product Recall

Product Lifecycle Environmental Impacts CG-AM-410a.1 Percentage of eligible products by revenue certified to an energy efficiency certification


CG-AM-410a.2 Percentage of eligible products by revenue certified to an environmental product lifecycle standard

ESG Data – Environmental – Eco-friendly Investments

CG-AM-410a.3 Description of efforts to manage products’ end-of-life impacts

Eco-friendly Products and Resource Circulation – Resource Circulation – Resource Circulation Management System

Eco-friendly Products and Resource Circulation – Resource Circulation - Product Life Cycle Management

Activity Metric CG-AM-000.A Annual production

Refer to the Annual Report

Professional and Commercial Services Sector Sustainability Indicators
Topic Code Metric Page
Data Security SV-PS-230a.1 Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks

Private Information Protection and Information Security – Information Security and Private Information Protection System – Information Security Management System

Private Information Protection and Information Security – Information Security and Private Information Protection Strategies – Information Protection Risk Monitoring

SV-PS-230a.2 Description of policies and practices relating to collection, usage, and retention of customer information

Private Information Protection and Information Security – Information Security and Private Information Protection System – Information Protection Policy

Private Information Protection and Information Security – Information Security and Private Information Protection System – Information Security Management System

Private Information Protection and Information Security – Information Security and Private Information Protection System – Organization Dedicated to Information Security and Private Information Protection

SV-PS-230a.3 (1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage that (a) involve customers’ confidential business information and (b) are personal data breaches, (3) number of (a) customers and (b) individuals affected

ESG Data – Social – Information Protection

Workforce Diversity & Engagement SV-PS-330a.1 Percentage of (1) gender and (2) diversity group representation for (a) executive management, (b) non-executive management, and (c) all other employees

Corporate Governance – Management Centered on the BOD – Composition of the BOD

ESG Data – Social – Employee Status

ESG Data – Governance – Board of Directors

SV-PS-330a.2 (1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for employees

ESG Data – Social – Employee Turnover and Retirement

SV-PS-300a.3 Employee engagement as a percentage


Professional Integrity SV-PS-510a.1 Description of approach to ensuring professional integrity

Ethical Management – Exercise of Ethical Management – Code of Ethics

Ethical Management – Ethics Diagnosis and Monitoring - Strengthening of Ethics Diagnosis and Monitoring

Ethical management – Ethics Diagnosis and Monitoring – Anti-corruption and Risk Management

Ethical management – Internalization of Ethical Culture – Ethical Management Training for Employees

SV-PS-510a.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with professional integrity

ESG Data – Governance – Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Activity Metric SV-PS-000.A Number of employees by: (1) full-time and part-time, (2) temporary, and (3) contract

ESG Data – Social – Employee Status

SV-PS-000.B Employee hours worked, percentage billable